TVR Press Review on Bucharest Forum on ’’Levant, craddle of the cultural diplomacy. Rediscovering the Mediterranean’’.
Emil Constantinescu, at the Bucharest Forum on ’’Levant, craddle of the cultural diplomacy. Rediscovering the Mediterranean’’
Ex-President Emil Constantinescu, the present leader of the Foundation for Democracy in Romania and the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, is trying to draw public attention to the Balkans and east of the Mediterranean Sea, the Levant. On Thursday night, Emil Constantinescu together with Mr. Ivo Slaus, President of World Academy of Art and Science and Mark Donfried, Director of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin were invited at the Prim Plan TV Show. The three of them emphasised the importance of the Levant and presented the international conference entitled “Levant, cradle of Cultural Diplomacy. Rediscovering the Mediterranean” Bucharest on May 23-25th 2013. The event was organised by the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin in partnership with the Senate and Government of Romania, the Romanian Cultural Institute, the University of Bucharest and the Romanian Foundation for Democracy.
The three day conference will consist of discussions about the past, present and future of Cultural Diplomacy in the Balkans, Middle East and the North of Africa and also on the role of the Mediterranean in the 21st century.
All the speeches and lectures of the conference will be collected and published in English by the Romanian Cultural Institute and distributed to the Romanian Cultural Institutes all over the world.
The TV show can be viewed in the video section.