Agerpres – Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Opens Office at Babeș-Bolyai University
Cultural Diplomacy Institute of Berlin opens office at UBB University of Cluj Napoca
Starting this year, students of the European Studies Faculty of the Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj Napoca can be taught the newest and the most efficient work methods of the contemporary world diplomacy, and this at the branch of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin, opening in Cluj, on Jan 14.
To attend the inaugural ceremony of the Cluj-based office are Romania’s ex-President (1996- 2000) Prof. Emil Constantinescu, a member of the Institute’s Board of Directors, and UBB rector Academician Ioan Aurel Pop, executive manager of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin and the dean of the Faculty of European Studies Professor Nicolae Paun, the president of the Cultural Diplomacy Academy of Berlin Mark Donfried and a member of the Berlin-based Institute’s Board Prof. Vasile Puscas.
Romania’s former chief negotiator for EU accession, Prof. Vasile Puscas opines that “diplomacy is a subject taught and learned at universities having a high scientific and cultural potential, and UBB avails of the required human resources and infrastructure to offer its students one more professional direction, which enhances their chances to accede the high labour market.”
In his turn, the dean of the UBB Faculty of European Studies Prof. Nicolae Paun emphasized in a release sent to Agerpres, on Friday that the Faculty he heads is to become “one of the main engine for training experts in diplomacy, and it will considerably contribute to UBB’s international promotion and to Cluj city’s cultural affirmation.”
“The students of our faculty will benefit from the cooperation with academic, scientific and professional environments actively committed to the theory and practice of diplomacy. I also underscore that the activities of the Cluj-based office of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin will be available to all those interested in this field,” Professor Paun concluded. AGERPRES